Friday, February 6, 2009


Seth Godin recently posted an article on his blog entitled "What would a professional do?". I was particularly struck by Seth's point that so many people merely pretend to be professionals--at the cost of everyone else.
Coincidentally, "who is a professional?" was the question explored in a recent Business Ethics class. So I pose the question: what makes a professional? Does it mean you are a member of a society that has dues and a biannual journal? Must you have a certificate of authenticity? Additionally, what constitutes professionalism? Does it merely refer to the state of being a professional? Perhaps we are back where we started.

The painting featured above is "Lineman" by the incomparable Norman Rockwell.

1 comment:

Canyonview Sporthorses said...

This blog is fabulous. Thank you so much. It is giving me great ideas especially from Seth's blog. However, in answer to the question about professionals. There is definitely the professional status conferred by degree, licensing, etc. There is also knowledge. I have had to admit that I am, indeed, a "professional" and had better start acting like one for the simple reason that I seem to know more than anyone else in my field and what I produce is superior.